Shilbottle W.I.

Would you like to make new friends and learn new skills? 

You can by joining us at 7.15pm during the Spring and Summer months and at 2.00pm during the Autumn and Winter months on the 3rd Thursday of every month

At Shilbottle Community Hall, Grange Road, Shilbottle

Committee Members

President: Barbara Thompson

Tel.: 01665 581196

Mob: 07535 995400


 Secretary: Denise Mackay

Tel.: 01665 581209

Mob: 07729 861701;


 Treasurer: Isabel Watson

 Other Committee Members:

Sheila Robertson

Fliss Edmunds

Pam Burroughs

Rosemary Johnston

For more details or information about Shilbottle W.I.

please ring Denise: 01665 581209 or 07729 861701

Garden Party(1)#

 The W.I. is a national, non-denominational charity, 

offering women of all ages friendship,  

and the opportunity to learn and work together